A state of flux can be uncomfortable and daunting. The relinquishing of control does not come easily and admission of uncertainty can feel intimidating. We like to imagine ourselves as independent and wholly separate from what surrounds us, untouched by the natural flow of the world. A state of transition is often blamed for a disconnect from ourselves or our communities, when in reality it is our refusal to embrace movement that further isolates us. When we are able to step back and look at both ourselves and our surroundings, what we realize is that existing in a state of flux is what bonds us. At the centre of each of these works is the acknowledgment that impermanence is both a universal constant and a deeply personal experience. Approaching existence through the lens of FLUX allows us to understand both ourselves and others as parts of an interconnected and complex collective. 

By investigating notions of personal growth, communal identity, and connection to our environment, the works in this show encourage viewers to reflect upon their own relationship to this transience and change. Each artist invites that introspection by offering a unique and nuanced perspective on inexorable flux. Ranging from inner contemplation and self-actualization to negotiations with the external world and its forces, each student’s work provides an intriguing and distinct approach to seeing ourselves and seeing others. Grounded in the photographic, these compelling perspectives directly confront the idea of ourselves as separate from community and external forces, inspiring us to recontextualize being in a state of FLUX as active participation in the world around us. 

Presenting a variety of media, the exhibition space is diversely activated, echoing the fluidity embodied by the featured works. Using sculpture, assemblage, video, and photographic images, the third-year class prompts a radical collectivity and envisions life’s constant transience as something both beautiful and necessary. In embracing a state of flux, we become more in tune with ourselves and those around us, fostering a profound and deeply fulfilling sense of harmony. 

Kenna Robinson 

Tanvi Parikh

Sophia Markelj

Audrey Persaud