Price: $280

Unseen Narratives 1

This image captures a conceptual art piece titled “Unseen Narratives.” It shows an open wardrobe closet filled with neatly stacked bedding, including two folded orange duvets with a subtle grid pattern on the top shelf and three blankets on the lower one. Tucked between these layers, partially obscured and blending with the surroundings, is the body of a woman. The visual narrative suggests a play on visibility and the often overlooked stories associated with domestic spaces. The closet doors are half-open with light wood finishes and silver handles, set against a clean, white interior background.

Price: $280

Unseen Narratives 2

The photograph shows a storage area cluttered with many cardboard boxes, some labeled with the words “SAM”. The boxes are stacked haphazardly, with some appearing worn and bulging, as if overfilled. In the midst of the chaos, partially obscured by and emerging from the piles, is a human body, adding a surreal element to the scene. The body’s positioning suggests an uncomfortable fit, mirroring the way the boxes are crammed into the space.