Price: $150
Corporeal III

Price: $150
Corporeal IX
Corporeal is a series of lumen printed images which have been scanned, edited and printed on inkjet paper. Unlike traditional lumen prints made by pressing physical objects to the surface, the images have been created using water and painterly gesture. In response to past work with cameraless processes, Corporeal is a practice in merging what is internal and mental with the external and physical. Accessing a process which relies wholly on the physical to create imagery, this work is an attempt to sketch the corners of the mind and articulate a space which is inherently intangible. Inky and visceral black and white push and pull constructing an immersive and spanning world only capable of escaping through bodily expression. This set is an imagining of the mind of the artist and a declaration to its maker that this immaterial space exists entirely within and in relation to the material body and world.